Quantum has been bringing Service Design support to the People Powered Retrofit Project, a partnership led by Carbon Co-op and Urbed to tackle the challenges of household energy efficiency and build a local retrofit market in Greater Manchester.
People Powered Retrofit tackles many of the key barriers that home owners face in commissioning work, including lack of appropriate contractors and concerns around the quality of works. Using a Service Design Blueprint approach, Quantum investigated retrofit schemes around the world and ran a stakeholder workshop to devise a new Service Design Blueprint to make it easier for householders to be supported through their projects. We also helped model the staffing and finances for the expansion of the service. Most recently Louise did a webinar to share the lessons on What does Good Service Design for Carbon Co-op Look Like? for other Carbon Co-op projects.
The new end-to-end retrofit service being piloted includes advice, a My Home Energy Planner assessment and Retrofit Co-ordination to assist householders in procuring contractors and carrying out Quality Assurance.
You can read more about the People Powered Retrofit service, including the findings from the first first Research and Development phase in the People Powered Retrofit project report here.
Led by Carbon Co-op and URBED, the partnership includes Arc4, Cumbria Action for Sustainability, Quantum Strategy and Technology, Fieldwork Studio and ShortWork along with Electricity North West, Ecology Building Society and Greater Manchester Green Growth.