Climate Change

Do you want to be resilient to climate risks?

Do your policies promote sustainability and reduce carbon emissions effectively?

Do you need to deliver on your climate change strategy?

 We can help you with:

  • Climate Change – adaptation and resilience for organisations, businesses and communities
  • Climate Change mitigation – we can help you understand how to deliver in reality on your climate change strategies on a project by project basis, we can help you measure and report
  • Sustainable procurement – how do you reduce emissions and environmental impacts through procurement, whilst delivering local jobs?
  • Energy – energy efficiency, renewable energy, heat networks, carbon reduction, behaviour change, energy switching schemes
  • Policy development – developing planning policies, economic development policies and programmes that tackle climate change, promote wider sustainability benefits such as improved health & wellbeing, green infrastructure, biodiversity, tourism and local food…

We have supported many organisations in developing climate change and sustainability strategies and action plans; energy plans and low carbon planning policies. Our work has informed organisations developing policies to promote low carbon economic development and the skills and networks needed to support these. We’ve helped identify climate risks that affect both business and the public sector – helping them to act now to save future costs, disruption and dangers.

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