Service design key to retrofit success

Louise facilitated a Service Blueprint workshop for Net Zero Terrace Street, an Innovate UK funded project led by Rossendale Valley Energy with Rossendale Borough Council, Burro Happold and other partners. Using a Service Blueprint approach means we can include all the people who will be involved in delivering an innovative service to decarbonise heat and make homes cosy. That includes customers, suppliers, contractors, energy companies, planners, investors and more.

Service Blueprint is a method to step through the customer journey looking at what needs to happen to make the customers’ experience completely smooth and trouble-free. It shows up all the key steps that the service must deliver from marketing to contracts, insurance to quality control, procurement to payment. This workshop helped inform the next stages of the project delivery and there is more to come this autumn. We look forward to unpicking what must happen behind ‘the line of visibility’ to come up with an affordable, effective and useful service that can be replicated in terraces across the North.